The brightness level from 0.0 to 1.0. Overrides any brightness set in color (if any)
This color to use for the action.
When used with the
effect, this
is the "to" color.
The number of times to repeat the effect. Defaults to 1.0 cycle.
The time in seconds to spend performing the action. Range: 0.0 – 3155760000.0 (100 years).
Execute the action fast without any state checks or waiting for the result from the HTTP API
The color to start the
effect from. If this parameter is omitted
then the color the bulb is currently set to is used instead.
Sets the hue. Range 0 - 360.
Sets the maximum brightness of the infrared channel from 0.0 to 1.0.
Set the kelvin value. The saturation is automatically set to 0.
Set the color using a named color from
Defines where in a period the target color is at its maximum. Minimum 0.0,
maximum 1.0. Defaults to 0.5.
The time in seconds for one cycle of the
effect. Defaults to 1.0
If false set the light back to its previous value when effect ends, if true
leave the last effect color.
Set the power state
If true, turn the bulb on if it is not already on.
Set the color via a comma delimited R,G,B string. Values range from 0 - 255.
Set the saturation. Range 0.0 - 1.0.
The selector is used to group lights together belonging in the same account
Selectors can be in the following format: all, label:[value], id:[value], group_id:[value], group:[value], location_id:[value], location:[value], scene_id:[value]